GMS MX Restricted Key System
In today's world, you want key control. When a Company issues a key to an employee they need to know that key cannot be copied without authorization. Standard keys like SC1, KW1, S22, C123, etc. can be easily duplicated at any Supercenter, Grocery Store, or Hardware store along with Automatic Key Duplicating Kiosks it is impossible to have Key Control with standard keys.
What about Do Not Duplicate Keys? Unfortunately putting "Do Not Duplicate" on a standard key does not mean much especially with Automatic Key Cutting Kiosks. Do Not Duplicate keys by themselves do not provide any Key Control.
All MX keyways are of proprietary design and only MX key blanks will work with these cylinders. MX key blanks are only available through authorized dealers who will ensure keys are not issued without authorization.
Keys to any MX system will only be issued with proper authorization. Owners of the system will have the peace of mind knowing all issuance of MX keys are recorded and the records are safely kept by the dealer.
Compare to other key control systems, you may save over 50% with MX cylinders! Why pay for features you don’t need?
Every MX cylinder is equipped with anti-picking driver pins and the profiles of MX proprietary keyways are specifically designed to restrict the access of common picking tools.